Research and Development presentation

Operation Improvement of a Rotating Kiln Drive

Energy Savings and Operation Improvement of Rotating Cement Kiln by the Implementation of a Unique New Drive System

Analysis, simulation, implementation and results of a new kiln drive system consisting of two AC Motors of 315 kW each, on an existing common tooth gear, as a new contribution for the operational optimisation of Rotating Kilns, are presented in this work. Two separate inverter units control the two asynchronous motors with a common rectifier. The work also illustrates how backlash problems on tooth gear and maintenance needs are eliminated while reducing operational costs, down-times and energy consumption, by applying contemporary technology, including power electronics and dynamic performance in control systems.

The project paper was published in the Journal of the IET (Institution of Engineering & Technology, Electric Power Applications)

Location: Kamari, Voiotia, Greece
Client: TITAN
Year: 2004
Customer Contact: Athanasios Athanasiadis
Head of Electrical Department,
TITAN Cement, Kamari Plant, Greece
